We are built and designed to make, carry and birth our children. It may be common and be told to have aches, pains, pelvic pain, sciatica, joint pain, nerve pain (I could go on) during pregnancy, these things are expected - but this is not normal. Chiropractic is vital for the normal physiological function for both the mother and baby throughout pregnancy. Some Chiropractors, like myself, have taken extra training to confidently assess and adjust pregnant women.
A pregnant women’s body and pelvis is very different and requires a different approach. This technique is widely known as the Webster technique.
The chiropractic adjustment helps facilitate your growing bump and body, to maximise space for the baby and ensure your pelvis is moving optimally. We view the pregnant pelvis and bump as a 3D box. All parts of the box need to be balanced and symmetrical to allow maximum space in the birth canal.
The adjustment is very light, gentle and relaxing. We unwind ligaments to relieve tension and apply very low force - to respect the hormone relaxin has made everything in the body is hyper-flexible.
The Webster Technique
The Webster technique is an approach to analyse and assess the pregnant pelvis.
The International Paediatric Chiropractic Association defines the Webster technique as the following...
“The Webster Technique is a specific chiropractic sacral analysis and diversified adjustment. The goal of the adjustment is to reduce the effects of sacral joint dysfunction. In doing so, neuro-biomechanical function in the pelvis is facilitated. Sacral dysfunction may contribute to difficult labor for the mother (i.e., dystocia), caused by inadequate uterine function, pelvic contraction, and baby mal-presentation (breech). Correction of sacral dysfunction may have a positive effect on all of these causes of dystocia”.
The webster technique is not a manoeuvre to turn a breach baby like an ECV. It facilitates the pelvis to be balanced, symmetrical and moving optimally. This allows the baby to have the maximum amount of spacer in uterine and be in the best position for birth.
If you would like more information or ask any questions please get in touch. I look forward to hearing from you.